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Prof. Kliewe joined discussion panel on network management in higher education

November 29, 2017

On November 29, Prof. Thorsten Kliewe joined a discussion panel organized by St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, Austria, on the topic of how universities should better manage their networks and partnerships. The panel was composed by:

Dr. Irene Fialka, CMC
CEO INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH

FH-Prof. Mag. Helmut Kammerzelt, MAS
Head of the media and busnesss department, FH St. Pölten

DI Kerstin Koren
Director of the R&D division, Project leader Wirtschaft 4.0 in NÖ, NÖ Federal State Government

Mag. Isabella Meran-Waldstein
Head of the research, technology and innovation division, Industriellenvereinigung

Dr. Barbara Streicher
Managing Director, ScienceCenterNetzwerk

These six experts explored the benefits, challenges and success factors of university relationship management, especially with respect to innovation and student employability. The debate included issues about trust among different stakeholders, and examples of good strategic relationship management practices.

A video on the discussion panel can be accessed here:

The visit to Vienna also included a visit to St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and a discussion with Hannes Raffaseder and Gabriele Permoser to explore future collaboration opportunities. S2B expertise on university engagement with business can contribute to St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in their network and partnership development by joint project proposals and training workshops.

More information about the event at Die Presse -