Prof. Dr. Peter van der Sijde
Forthcoming publications (1)
Galán-Muros, V.; van der Sijde, P.; Groenewegen, P.; Baaken, T. (2015): Nurture over nature: how do European universities support their cooperation with business?. - In: Journal of Technology Transfer, S. 1-22 (Type: Journal paper)
Publications (6)
Journal special issues (1)
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; van der Sijde, Peter (2015): Approaching Universities as Entrepreneurial Organisations. Industry & Higher Education, August
Journal papers (2)
Davey, T.; Rossano Rivero, S.; van der Sijde, P. (2015): Does context matter in academic entrepreneurship? The role of barriers and drivers in the regional and national context. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-26.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; van der Sijde, Peter (2014): Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education. - In: Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education, S. 219-221
Conference papers (2)
Davey, T.; Rossano Rivero, S.; & van der Sijde, P. (2015): Academic entrepreneurs see things differently - An analysis of barriers, drivers and incentives facing European academic entrepreneurs., University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten; van der Sijde, Peter; McIntyre, Matt (2008): Continuous High Technology Business Incubation: Cross-sectoral comparison of approaches to high technology business incubation, Proceedings of the 21st High Technology Small Firms Conference, 22-23 May 2008, Twente, Netherlands
Reports (1)
Meerman, Arno; Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Baaken, Thomas; van der Sijde, Peter (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in The Netherlands. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-2-1
Presentations (1)
Davey, T.; Rossano Rivero, S.; & van der Sijde, P. (2015):
Academic entrepreneurs see things differently - An analysis of barriers, drivers and incentives facing European academic entrepreneurs., University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2015, Berlin, Germany.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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