Dr. Kerstin Kurzhals (geb. Linnemann), Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH)
Publications (8)
Books (1)
Kurzhals, K. (2015): Resource Recombination in Firms from a Dynamic Capability Perspective. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Coventry: Coventry University
Book chapters (1)
Rotermund, U.; Kurzhals, K. (2014): Innovationskraft durch Dynamic Capabilities und Vertrauenskultur, in: Insurance & Innovation, ed. by Eckstein, A., Liebetrau, A., Seidel, M., Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft GmbH, Karlsruhe.
Conference papers (6)
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012): Exploring the Role of Dynamic Capabilities in the Process of Resource Recombination in Firms. Proceedings of the 13th International CINet Conference, "Continuous Innovation Across Boundaries", September 16-18, Rome, Italy
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011): Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination: Exploring the Determinants of Resource Recombination from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, Proceedings of the 11th CINet PhD Workshop at the 12th International CINet Conference "Continuous Innovation: Doing More with Less", 09.09.2011, Arhus, Denmark, pp. 1-15.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011): Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination, Proceedings of the 7th CINet Doctoral Seminar "Researching Continuous Innovation", April 4-8, 2011, Milan, Italy, pp. 1-10.
Linnemann, Kerstin; Baaken, Thomas (2010): Fostering Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination - A Systematic Approach towards a Model for the Likelihood of Resource Recombination, Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2010, July 6-10, 2010, Coventry, England, pp. 1-6.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Factors that Drive Resource Recombination: A conceptual Framework, Conference Proceedings of the IV International Forum from Science to Business, May 13-15, 2010, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pp. 260-262.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Creative Coupling: Leveraging a firm`s innovation potential through interorganisational resource recombination, Proceedings of the DIME Doctoral Tutorial: Organizing for Networked Innovation, April 14-17, 2010, Milan, Italy, pp. 1-15.
Presentations (16)
Petzold, N.; Kets, J.; Kurzhals, K. (2017):
Evidencing dynamic capabilities: a review on qualitative research studies, SKM Conference Berlin., Berlin, Germany.
Kurzhals, Kerstin (2016):
Innovationsfreundliche Unternehmenskultur und Dynamic Capabilities, Great Place to Work® Fachdialog | Innovationskraft und Unternehmenskultur, Münster, Germany.
Kurzhals, Kerstin (2015):
Innovation Strength through Dynamic Capabilities and Trust Culture, Guest lecture at the master course "International Management" (Münster School of Business), Münster, Germany.
Kurzhals, Kerstin (2015):
Viva Voce: Resource Recombination in Firms from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, successful defence of the PhD thesis at Coventry University Business School, Coventry, UK.
Baaken, T. ; von Hagen, F.; Kurzhals, K. (2014):
Creative Coupling - a Key Opportunity for Success in Transfer, 2014 UIIN University-Industry-Interaction Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012):
Exploring the Role of Dynamic Capabilities in the Process of Resource Recombination in Firms, 13th International CINet Conference "Continuous Innovation Across Boundaries", Rome, Italy.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012):
Making the most of what you have. Resource Recombination, Dynamic Capabilities and Value Creation in Firms, 4th Intercultural Innovation Workshop organized by noventum consulting, Istanbul, Turkey.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012):
Resource Recombination in Firms from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, presentation at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011):
Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination: Exploring the Determinants of Resource Recombination from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, presentation at 11. PhD Workshop der 12th International CINet Conference "Continuous Innovation: Doing More with Less" (11.-13.09.2011), Arhus, Denmark.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011):
Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination, presentation at the 7th CINet Doctoral Seminar "Researching Continuous Innovation" (04.-08.04.2011), Milan, Italy.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010):
Fostering Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination - A Systematic Approach towards a Model for the Likelihood of Resource Recombination, presentation at the Academy of Marketing Conference 2010 "Transformational Marketing", Track: Science to Business Marketing, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010):
Developing University-Industry Partnerships to Strengthen Innovative Economies, Workshop held as part of the IV International Forum from Science to Business: The Forming and Activity of Innovative Zone around Higher Education and Science Institutions, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010):
Factors that drive Resource Recombination, presentation at the IV International Forum from Science to Business: The Forming and Activity of Innovative Zone around Higher Education and Science Institutions, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010):
Creative Coupling: Leveraging a firm`s innovation potential through interorganisational resource recombination, presentation at the DIME Doctoral Tutorial "Organizing for Networked Innovation", Milan, Italy.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Linnemann, Kerstin (2009):
The Power of University-Industry Relationships: Fostering Collaborative Innovation by Using Science-to-Business Marketing, Workshop at 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Hong Kong, China.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2009):
Science-to-Business Marketing - ein neuer Ansatz für Forschungsvermarktung und Technologietransfer, Kundenwertanalyse in Forschungsmärkten, , Berlin, Germany.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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