The Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre's work is recognised worldwide. Below you find some examples of awards received by the centre and its employees.
Austauschprozesse AwardIn 2007, Münster University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) was awarded as one of the Top 5 Universities in Germany applying the best strategies of university-business knowledge exchange and technology transfer by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the business community's innovation agency for the German science system. MUAS were recognised for generating the highest amount of 'third-party' funding (industry contribution) from all universities of applied sciences in Germany. Professor Baaken in his previous role of Vice Rector and the work of the S2BMRC were integral to the university achieving this success. |
TAKE IT UP Best Pitching Award
During the TII Innovation Tool Fair held in Brussels, Belgium, on November 19, 2010, Thorsten Kliewe won the TAKE IT UP Best Pitching Award for his presentation on TechAdvance™, a technology assessment and development tool developed at the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre and commercialised by its spin-off apprimo. TAKE IT UP is the promotion pillar of the Europe INNOVA initiative, funded by European Commission, DG Enterprise
Recognition as good practice
Science-to-Business Marketing and the Münster University of Applied Sciences' partnering approach are frequently used as cases of good practice. Organisations having published these good practice cases include:
- European Commission (DG Education & Culture): Report on 30 good practice case studies in university business cooperation
- European University Association (EUA): EUIMA Project
- ProTon Europe
- University Industry Innovation Network
Further awards & recognition
2012 |
Best session presentation @ Entrepreneurial Universities Conference
Received by Thorsten Kliewe for his presentation in the session "University-Business Co-operation and Knowledge Partnerships", Entrepreneurial Universities Conference, 27 April 2012, Muenster, Germany.
2009 |
Best Paper Runner Up @ Sprott Doctoral Symposium
Received by Thorsten Kliewe for his paper at the 6th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, 16-17 April 2009, Ottawa, Canada.
2009 |
Honorable mention @ Sprott Doctoral Symposium
Received by Thorsten Kliewe for his presentation at the 6th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, 16-17 April 2009, Ottawa, Canada.
2008 |
Best Paper Award – Consumer Behaviour B Conceptual Models and Theory
Received by Carolin Plewa for her paper "Emotions and Sponsorship Marketing. Toward a Better Understanding of Sponsorship Persuasion Process" (togehter with Charles Bal and Pascale Quester).
2007 |
Scott Henderson Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Received by Carolin Plewa.
2007 |
Nomination for David Kopf Hochschulpreis
Thorsten Kliewe was nominated by Münster University of Applied Sciences as the university's contribution for the "David Kopf Hochschulpreis" a competition on the best final theses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
2006 |
Nominated for the Postgraduate Alumni Medal, University of Adelaide
Carolin Plewa; was nominated by the Faculty of Professions; amongst the final 10 nominees across the university.
2003 |
Honourable mention at the ANZMAC Doctoral Colloquium
Received by Carolin Plewa; Runner-up for the Best PhD Proposal (greatest potential to contribute to marketing knowledge).
2003 |
Outstanding Thesis (Business Administration) Award
Carolin Plewa was awarded the "Rektorpreis" (Rectors Award) - Awarded by the Vice-Chancellor of the Münster University of Applied Sciences.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe Deputy Managing Director & Research Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre
Professor in Innovation Management and Business Development at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65640 Email |
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