S2BMRC is globally recognised for research in interface between universities and industry
The Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre is world recognised for the project partnership approach to UBC. Conducting research in UBC including projects delivered for all UBC stakeholders:
- Government - The study on cooperation between European private and public organisations delivered to the EC and the Leadership Development Program on Technology Transfer in the ALFA3 project
- University - Research Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Portugal, South Africa, Germany, Japan, Australia), Science-to-Business - Change Management to Enhance Knowledge Transfer and Partnerships between the HEIs and their economic context (in cooperation with 28 universities)
- Business: WILO (customer satisfaction and need analysis), Windmöller & Hölscher (Development of a strategy and deriving operative measures for enhancing the cooperation between Windmöller & Hölscher and universities),
- UBC intermediaries: Research Provider Studies in Germany and selected European countries, Institute for textile engineering of RWTH Aachen (SME-customer demographics-analyses in the border region Aachen and determination of the reasons for a lukewarm interest in a cooperation with ITA and the 3T GmbH), ProTon Europe (University Interaction with Industry).
Further highlights include:
- Developer of the 'Responsible Partnering Handbook' supported by the European Organisations including European Universities Association (EUA, Brussels), Pan-European network of Knowledge Transfer Offices (ProTon Europe, Brussels), The European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO, Brussels), The European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA, Paris)
- Leading centre for the development of approaches to university/industry partnerships, as used by Coventry University
- Development of the "Science Marketing Toolbox" including 58 instruments to assist Science Marketing
- Developer and publisher of the TechAdvance ? Technology Evaluation Handbook which provides a method for the evaluation of technologies
- Incubator of the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN)
- Author of the "The State of European University-Business Cooperation" during the "DG Education and Culture study on the cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and Public and Private Organisations in Europe"
- Organiser of the international 'Science-to-Business Marketing' Conferences held in German, Belgium, China, South Africa, Japan, Australia and France. Topics covered during the conferences were: extracting the value out of university-industry interaction, driving innovation from Science-to-Business , innovative management of technology transfer, business, technology and competitive intelligence, science-to-business marketing and successful research commercialisation
Publications about us
If you like to know more about Science-to-Business Marketing and the successful history of the centre and Münster University of Applied Sciences, please feel free to read paper and books chapters written about our case:
Schröder, Carsten; Baaken, Thomas; Korff, Nisha (2012): The Triangle for Innovation in Knowledge Transfer and Partnering at Münster University of Applied Sciences, in: Gorzka, Gabriele (Ed): Knowledge Transfer - The New Core Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions. Practice and Perspectives in Russia and Germany, Kassel, pp. 61-78. (ISBN 978-3-86219-412-4)
Kliewe, Thorsten; Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias (2012): Introducing a Science-to-Business Marketing Unit to University Knowledge and Technology Transfer Structures: Activities, Benefits, Success Factors, in: Szopa, Anna; Karwowski, Waldemar; Ordóñez de Pablos, Patricia (Ed.): Academic Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation: A Business Management Perspective, Hershey, pp. 53-74. (ISBN 978-1-4666-2116-9). (Refereed Journal Article)
Dottore, Antonio; Baaken, Thomas; Corkindale, David (2010): A Partnering Business Model for Technology Transfer, in: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 190-216. (ISSN 1465-7503)
Baaken, Thomas; Schröder, Carsten (2008): The Triangle for Innovation in Technology Transfer at University of Applied Sciences, in: Laine, Kari; van der Sijde, Peter; Lähdeniemi, Matti; Tarkkanen, Jaakko (Eds.): Higher Education Institutions and Innovation in the Knowledge Society, Helsinki, pp. 103-116. (ISBN 978-952-67165-0-3)
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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