Vision & mission
Our vision.
People development through driving S2BM and driving S2BM through people development for long term impact!
Our mission.
To increase Science-to-Business Marketing! We do this by creating and disseminating university-business cooperation
knowledge to every organisation working with us (and beyond).
Our team.
We are a high performing scientific research group. Our work climate is characterised by mutual benefit, trust and
cohesion as well as teamwork and team-spirit.
We feel responsible for the entire team, for students, for partners and clients, for the faculty and for the
Our focus.
We are achieving our objectives by being focused on important issues ...whilst still looking for and finding new
We are a high performing scientific research group executing numerous:
- high quality and publications
- presentations
- workshops
- conferences
- projects
in a national & international context.
We are striving to find new methods and models in university-business cooperation, developing novel tools and
instruments as well as innovative ways to do our work.
We are continuously looking to improve our scientific knowledge, competencies and skills.
We are structured, process-oriented, synergetic and coordinated in achieving our goals... however we are not
restricted by this.
We strongly believe in mutually-beneficial and long-term partnerships based upon trust, commitment and support.
We strongly believe in continuous professional development. We support our team members in training and offer a
range of options fitting our vision and their individual goals.
Time consciousness.
Our work meets deadlines and time expectations.
We work in an international environment in terms of
- team
- partners
- clients
- conferences
- community
...and beyond.
We are a research group that is using unconventional methods and new ideas.. out-of-the-box thinking! However we
also work in ways that is accepted in the scientific world.
In cooperation with partners, we pursue successful project acquisitions in Germany, Europe and beyond. We do this to
increase our knowledge and financial basis.
We use new technologies in our work and in relation to our partners and customers.
We strongly believe in interdisciplinary working and constantly seek ways of bringing this dimension into our work. |
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
Learn more about us
Our 2015 brochure
in English
Key initiatives
The State of University-Business Cooperation
Our project, our portal
S2B publication list
Browse through our publications